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One Vote is a small film about a big topic: American democracy.
At a moment of unprecedented cynicism about the political process, One Vote bears hopeful witness to the humanity and rich diversity of American voters, and to the unsung stories that comprise our exercise of democracy.
The characters of One Vote include the charismatic owner of the last tavern polling place in the US, an Alaskan family that travels miles of snow-covered roads by dogsled to reach their polling place, an iconic American investor who devotes his Election Day to transporting voters in Omaha needing a ride to vote, a gospel-singing physician who heals and empowers disenfranchised citizens in rural South Carolina, and a former felon, casting an emotional vote in Kentucky for the first time since his right to vote was restored.
Their stories connect us with the struggles of generations past, as well as voters' dreams for the future. At times funny, surprising and heart-wrenching, the film eschews partisan politics in favor of an honest portrayal of voters' Election Day experiences.
Claude and Jennifer Bondy and their son Robert live in the scenic wilds of inland Alaska, on Mile 68 of the Denali Highway that runs from Paxson to Cantwell, where they operate the Alpine Lodge. Almost 70 miles from the nearest town, the Bondys never miss the opportunity to vote.
Denali Highway, Alaska
In the Bucktown neighborhood of Chicago, Club Lucky is practically synonymous with Election Day. Volunteers and poll workers arrive before dawn to set up the voting area, while the sidewalk outside the tavern is transformed to accommodate Chicagoans lining up to vote.
Chicago, Illinois
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America is in the midst of a nationwide poll worker shortage.

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